Corner 3rd Ave & Chroma Street P.O Box 125 Shurugwi
(+263) 054-252-6095/6044
Our Tenders
Quotations or Tenders must be accompanied by the following documents:
copy of valid tax clearance certificate from ZIMRA
copy of certificate of incorporation
current proof of registration with procurement regulatory authority of Zimbabwe under relevant category (attach copy of the gazette).
Submission of quotations/bids
Quotations must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the advertised RFQ NUMBER and date, the closing date and description of work/ specification. Quotations must be submitted at Shurugwi Town Council, Procurement Office at or physically before 1000 hours on the closing date.
NOTE: late submission will not be accepted. Shurugwi Town Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of any tender.
for more information regarding any supplies contact our procurement officer here